What does web design cost in 2025 for service-based businesses?


Hello, loaded question :) Let’s get into it.

Obviously the cost of web design services vary widely but there do tend to be some industry standards among professionals that I’m going to try to group together for you! So hopefully after reading this you can decide how to proceed based on your desired budget, where you are in your business journey, and how much support you think you need or want. 

The below categories are priced based on experienced and credible web design freelancers, studios, and agencies. It doesn’t mean you can’t find a web designer for cheaper, but I will get into that option more towards the end of this post so stick with me.

If you offer a service, such as photography, wedding planning, coaching, etc., here’s what you can expect to pay for professional web design services in 2023.


Pro designer hourly rates: $75-$250

Great for businesses who: Already have a website but literally just need like 1-2 hours of support with a specific task.

Many design businesses only offer hourly website updates to their past clients who’ve already invested in a bigger project with them, and lots of web designers don’t offer hourly rates at all. This is because it’s inefficient and unprofitable because it requires a lot of task-switching and client-switching. To get a set of updates done to your website, you may need to book a day with a designer to get them all done at once (see the “Intensives” category below).


DIY web design templates, strategy calls, or website audits: $300-$1200

Great for businesses who: Are on a budget or like the challenge of building a website but just need a pro to start them off with a clear direction.

It takes designers years to learn what makes a website successful: from having a strong conversion strategy to creating a high-end design. It can be overwhelming and very time-consuming to try to learn it all yourself when you’re a beginner in business. This is when you can pay for advice or purchase a template so you can quickly get more clarity and jump ahead.

Learn more about my 2-hour strategy calls here.


Intensives, VIP days, and done-for-you semi-custom websites: $1500-$3500

This price category can be split into two types: 

Website maintenance or updates: These businesses need to make lots of minor changes or additions to their existing website, and either don’t need or don’t want to pay for a full-scale overhaul.

New website builds: These businesses are typically newer and just need to get a simple website up and running (sometimes built with a template) so that it can grow and evolve with them.

This category is essentially where you know you’d like a pro to step in and give you their full attention for anywhere from a whole day up to a week, so that they can work their magic and give you some kind of transformation fast. All you typically have to do is fill out a questionnaire beforehand and be available for a call or two.

Ask about my 1-day and 1-week website options.


Done-for-you custom websites: Starting prices range from $3500-$7000 and go up from there depending on deliverables

Great for businesses who: Have defined their services and determined their ideal client; and are ready for a more goal-driven website that reflects their personality, effectively communicates their services, and helps them be perceived as a premium brand.

The time frames for a custom website vary widely and all depend on how much is changing for your brand and how much the web designer is going to manage for you. For example, if you already have brand strategy, brand identity design, brand photos, and copywriting done and just need a web designer to pull it all together, it could be done in 2 weeks. If you are starting from scratch and need assistance with all that, you’re looking at more like a 4 month process.

Note that any service that isn’t strictly web design or development is considered a different specialty. (This includes branding, copywriting, photography, SEO, social media, or email marketing.) You’ll need to determine what you’d like to invest in and then be prepared to hire multiple specialists or find a web designer that offers support with some or all of those services. Many web designers like myself partner with other vendors who offer these adjacent services and would be happy to make recommendations or even manage the entire project for you! Keep in mind that when you start combining multiple of these services you could be looking at more in the $10-20k investment range as a whole. 

Learn more about my custom website service here.


What if those price ranges don’t work for you?


Why these prices make sense for most businesses

What if you need a bigger service for a cheaper price than what’s listed above? First I’d want you to know that the above ranges are the industry standard because:

  1. The designers know what it takes to get your project done right (a.k.a. years of experience that allows them to have a smooth & organized process as well as support you in making more money).

  2. Clients know that they can reasonably expect to make the investment back 10-20 times over within the life of the website (a.k.a. if you want to make 100,000 over the next year, it makes sense to invest 5-10% to reach that goal)

So if, for example, you are hoping to get a full-blown custom website done for cheaper than $3500, maybe just maybe you don’t actually need a full-blown custom website right now. Maybe your business is still young and needs time to find its footing before it makes sense to make such a big move. So getting a day of support from a web designer or a semi-custom website might be a better fit!


What to be aware of if you hire someone less expensive

BUT, if you’re dead-set on having a custom solution on a smaller budget, you CAN of course find a designer who will take on the job. You just need to be prepared that you will likely be hiring someone who is newer in their design career or who has to cut corners somewhere in order to be remotely profitable.

I speak from experience, as someone who started freelancing at $15/hr and worked her way up to 5-figure website projects. My prices have always reflected the level of my expertise as I grew.

So while you can definitely find someone lower than industry standard prices and I say more power to you, just know that you may be sacrificing some of these: a streamlined process, expert-level communication, proven strategies for user experience and conversion, refined design skills, and personal care and concern for your business and dreams. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. ;)


Payment plans are usually an option

The last thing I want to mention that I think is really helpful is that most designers offer monthly payment plans. Similarly to a coaching program, you are making a substantial investment in your business and it doesn’t always make sense to pay the full price upfront. The good designers truly want you to see steady growth in your business while reaping the rewards in your personal life :) so they’re typically happy to find a pay schedule that works for you!


Need some guidance?

I hope this article helped guide you in your decision making about hiring a web designer, but if you’d like to have a more tailored conversation about your specific situation, reach out through my contact form and we can schedule a chat! I love listening to your goals and problems to help you find the solution.


Up next: How to build the perfect website for your business
(step-by-step process)

Check out the next post (linked above) where I’m diving deep into what all goes into creating a successful website and the optimal order in which to complete all the pieces.

In the meantime, what questions do you have about web design services? Leave your question in a comment at the bottom of this page and I may use it in an upcoming blog post!

Emily Jane

I’m a photographer-turned-web-designer, running a business since 2016. In my eyes, life is a short gift. You should be able to relax & enjoy it, but you gotta make money to do that. Enter your money making machine: Your website.

Your website should be making your life easier, not harder! I help take the headache out of websites so busy creatives like you move on to your next big goal :)


Portfolio: Modern iridescent custom Squarespace website for an event photography company


Portfolio: Vintage-inspired website design for a slow fashion company with French & Vietnamese roots