welcome to the BEJ blog!
here we dive deep into all things website strategy & design tips for wedding pros.
Take the Quiz:
What’s holding your website back?

Portfolio: Bright & colorful wedding artist web design on Showit

11 Subscriptions & software I actually use in my creative business

Squarespace vs. Showit: Pros & cons for wedding business websites

Brand shoot BTS: Styled wedding at Wish Well House

Portfolio: Rich & sophisticated Squarespace website for UK wedding photographer

5 ways to maximize wedding bookings from your website: The Venue RX Podcast

Portfolio: Coquette-inspired bakery website design

Do wedding vendors need a privacy policy or terms & conditions on their website?

Optimize your contact form to increase your wedding inquiries

The best places to find stock photos for wedding pros

Portfolio: Cheery & clean website makeover for a wedding planner

How to leverage your website photos: 6 Figure Wedding Planner Podcast with Halima Hanemann

The essential website images to attract better wedding clients

Building websites that connect with Gen Z couples: A guide for wedding vendors

Portfolio: Vintage website design for a husband & wife photography team

How to add an author bio on your blog posts in Squarespace 7.1

Portfolio: Custom website project for a spiritual medium

My top 7 website copywriters for wedding pros

Portfolio: Wedding videographer website design with rich earth tones